Student Activities
Day 1 
-Introduction to the unit, definition of Hydraulic Fracturing, definition of Carbon Footprint.
 -Introduction to controversial nature of Fracking.
-Introduction to Service Learning experience
Physics: Investigation and Experimentation #1l.  Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science.
Investigation and Experimentation #1m.  Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching the literature, analyzing data, and communicating the findings.

7. Each element on Earth moves among reservoirs, which exist in the solid earth, in oceans, in the atmosphere, and within and among organisms as part of biogeochemical cycles. 
As a basis for understanding this concept:
b. Students know the global carbon cycle: the different physical and chemical forms of carbon in the atmosphere, oceans, biomass, fossil fuels, and the movement of carbon among these reservoirs.
-After listening to a lecture and participating in a class discussion, students will be able to define the term “Carbon Footprint” and to describe the process of hydraulic fracturing.
-After conducting internet research, student will be able to list   several specific examples of energy conservation strategies.
Direct Instruction.  Quick-write(s)
Dyad discussions
- by teachers or by a visiting expert on energy conservation
Independent Internet research – each student assigned to find two specific strategies.
Whole class compiles a complete list.  Students break into small groups, each with a part of the whole list (one or 2 items), to write specific instructions as to how to implement their items.  Assignment is to create a text document on the class’ google docs account.
Formal, formative assessments:  a quick-write in class on the definitions of Fracking and Carbon Footprint and a homework assignment to write a one-page paper listing applicable energy conservation strategies.
Day 2   Block Period
Physics: Pascal’s Principle

Earth Science: Geologic creation of fossil fuel reserves.
Physics Standard #3g.  Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow, work, and efficiency in a heat engine and know that all real engines lose some heat to their surroundings

Earth Science:
3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonics processes.
After listening to an introduction and conducting a laboratory exercise in small groups, students will be able to apply the definition of work to hydraulic systems using Pascal’s Principle.

Earth Science: Students will be able to describe the kinds of rocks, and layers of the Earth which natural gas, and fossil fuels are located. They will also be able to explain the basic processes which these resources are extracted.
15 minutes direct instruction and quiz.  1 hour small group lab work. 20 minutes small group work on service learning project.  20 minutes small group work on art component project.  Lab write-up assigned and due Friday.
Practice problems assigned and due Thursday
Formal summative assessment: Lab report
Informal formative assessment:  observation of student work.
Day 3 (Block Period, repeat of day 2)
Physics: Pascal's Principle

Earth Science: Geologic creation of fossil fuels reserves.
Physics Standard #3g.  Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow, work, and efficiency in a heat engine and know that all real engines lose some heat to their surroundings.

Earth Science:
3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonics processes.
After listening to an introduction and conducting a laboratory exercise in small groups, students will be able to apply the definition of work to hydraulic systems using Pascal’s Principle.

Earth Science: Students will be able to describe the kinds of rocks, and layers of the Earth which natural gas, and fossil fuels are located. They will also be able to explain the basic processes which these resources are extracted.

15 minutes direct instruction and quiz.  1 hour small group lab work. 20 minutes small group work on service learning project.    20 minutes small group work on art component project.  Lab write-up assigned and due Friday.
Practice problems assigned and due Thursday

Formal diagnostic assessment – 2 question “show of hands” quiz on work and simple machines.
Informal formative assessment – observation of student work.
Day 4
Physics: Application of Pascal's Principle to Fracking.
Review and Practice.

Earth Science: Pascal's Principles, and relation to density of different types of minerals. Rock density/porous
connections. Potential Risks revisited.
Investigation and Experimentation #1l and # 1m.
Physics Standard # 3.
Physics:  After listening to a lecture and reading a related section of their text, students will be able to apply Pascal's Principle to solve problems involving pressure transfer.

Earth Science:
Are the benefits of hydraulic Fracturing worth the costs (economic/environmental).What does the future hold for energy production in the US? 
Physics:  review assigned Physics problems for 15 minutes.   Collect homework.
-Break into small groups for balance of period.  Groups work on Art component, Service component or remediation review in either subject area as needed.
During the two periods each service learning group is to come to the teachers workstation and add their google doc text to the master document which has been preformatted by the teacher.
Physics:  informal formative assessment of homework
Day 5
Investigation and Experimentation #1l and # 1m.
Physics Standard # 3.
Physics: Same objectives as previous days

Earth Science: Draw conclusions about benefits/costs/effects of energy extraction.
Joint unit test for both subjects for 1 hour.  Presentation of art projects for 20 minutes.  Balance of class for implementation & celebration of service project.
Formal Summative assessments:  unit test and presentation of posters.

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