The unit is composed of several distinct components, which employ different instructional strategies, activities and co-teaching models as well as different assessment and differentiation strategies.  We begin with an introductory session on the first day of the unit which is largely teacher-centered.  The second and third days are primarily concerned with inquiry-based hands-on laboratory work.  The fourth day embodies a flipped instruction model in which students are free to work in groups on whatever part of the unit they most need to focus on.  And the final day is primarily concerned with summative assessment and implementation of the service learning project.

·         Student Centered Activities:
o   Think-pair-share and quick-write during the introductory lectures on the first day
o   Laboratory exercises on the second and third days
o   Group work on posters and service projects during day 4
o   Presentations of group projects on the final day
·         Major Teaching Strategies, student organization  & Co-Teaching Approaches
o   Direct instruction.  During direct instruction we will primarily use a complimentary co-teaching approach
o   Inquiry.  Much of the unit is inquiry based with students working in lab groups.  During this phase the co-teaching model will a parallel, lab-monitoring model with the teachers rotating between the different groups.
o   Independent Study.  Students will be given class time and homework assignments that require them to do independent research which they will report to their cooperative learning groups for inclusion in the group assignments.
o   Cooperative Learning.  The great majority of class time will be spent in cooperative learning groups. 
o   Complementary/Parallel Instruction.  During the portions of the unit that both Earth Science and Physics classes are combined, the co-teaching model that will be utilized will be the complementary model. The lead role will be switched so that students receive equal instructional time from each teacher. During the lab days (block schedule), the classes will begin as one group then split into two separate groups, taught by their respective teachers. The parallel co-teaching model will be employed during this phase of the unit.
·         Art Component:  Students, in cooperative learning groups, will prepare either a short video, posted to YouTube, or a poster that explains their understanding of the process and ramifications of hydraulic fracturing.  Included in that project will be a web catalogue of artistic resources they have found during their investigations.
·         Technology:  In addition to internet resources employed in the service learning component of the unit, students will:
o   Use automated data collection devices in their Physics lab exercise.
o   Use cloud-based spreadsheet software to aggregate and analyze their lab data.
o   Use cloud-based video and/or desktop publishing applications for the art component of the unit.
·         Social Justice and Equity Addressed in:
o   Content:  Discussions of the ramifications of the process of hydraulic fracturing will have a focus on the interconnected and egalitarian qualities of  nature and will have a strong emphasis on family and community involvement.
o   Process:  The cooperative nature of the learning environment and the use of flipped instruction will give teachers the opportunity to differentiate instruction to the individual needs of each student in the class.
o   Product:  Summative assessment will rely on written work, formal examination, artistic work and oral presentation, providing the teacher with the opportunity to differentiate assessment according to learning style, cultural affect, etc.
·         Resources:  The unit will require:
o   Individual and group computer and internet access.  Portable computers may be available for classroom use, or students may spend time in the schools computer lab. 
o   Lab equipment – strain gauges, syringes to simulate hydraulic pistons, weights.
o   Art supplies and/or – collage materials, pens, pencils, poster paper, etc. for students who are not able to use digital art tools.
o   Video equipment
o   Community representative – a volunteer from the community to give a short presentation as an introduction to the service learning experience
o   School administrator to attend the service learning portion of the final days’ class

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