Lesson Plan - Day 1 (task 7)

Single Subject Lesson Design - Box Format

Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing Unit

Physics and Earth Scinece 9-12.  Part of an interdisciplinary unit

3A. STUDENT INFORMATION: English Language Learners
Elena is a 15 year old 10th grader.  She is identified as an ELL with a CELDT level of 4 whose primary language is Spanish.  She comes form a middle class family and has 2 older brothers, one of which also attends RBV, and a younger sister.  Her parents are second generation immigrants and her family speaks a mixture of Spanish and English at home. Her parents are active on the schools PTSA.  Elena does not read or write in Spanish.  Her performance in school is good if not excellent.  Her reading, writing and math skills are all at grade level.  She does, however, excel in Art and Music classes and is a member of the school choir.  She reports that her favorite spare time activities are dancing and singing.  Elena is vivacious and outgoing, prefers to work in small groups as opposed to whole-class or individual activities.  She easily gravitates to a leadership role in small group activities but does have a tendency to take the group off task.
Ibram is 16 years old in the 11th grade.  His CELDT level is 3 and his primary language is Arabic.  His family immigrated fairly recently and he has been in the California school system for 3 years.  He comes from an upper middle class family and is the youngest of three children.  His oldest sibling, a brother, did not emigrate with his family and his older sister attends a local community college.  His family speaks Arabic almost exclusively at home, primarily because, while his father is fluent in English, his mother speaks no English at all.  Ibram enjoys sports, particularly soccer, but does not play on a school team.  He gets very good grades; all A's but one B on his last report.  His parents have high expectations for his schoolwork but offer little concrete support.  Ibram is shy and tends to isolate.  He reports that because of his language and cultural differences he does not feel that he fits in well in school.
Maria is a 14 year old girl in the 9th grade and is identified as an ELL with a CELDT level of 3 and a primary language of Spanish.  Her father is a first generation immigrant and her mother second generation. They speak mostly Spanish at home.  She has one older sibling who also attends RBV.  Her family is middle class to lower middle class.  Her parents own and operate a small convenience/grocery store where Maria works after school and on weekends.  Maria's CELDT score is much higher for reading than for writing and she reads extensively, preferring romantic and fantasy fiction.  She enjoys sports and loves to play soccer but has little time to do so.  Maria if quiet and shy but friendly.  She works well in small groups but seldom takes on a leadership role, even when encouraged to do so.

3B. STUDENT INFORMATION: Students w/ Special Needs

Alex is a 16-year-old boy in the eleventh grade. He had difficulty with the development of his early literacy skills, including the acquisition of sound/symbol relationships and word identification, demonstrated in both his reading and writing. In the second grade, Alex was identified as a student with specific learning disabilities. Since then, Alex has received special education support primarily in a resource room for language arts, while he is included in the general education curriculum. He is able to independently read text at a ninth grade level and continues to struggle with decoding words. Alex also has asthma for which he takes daily medication and occasionally needs to use an inhaler. He is a self-isolating person who does not readily join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations. His tendency is to sit alone at lunch and to be by himself during transitional time. There is no in-class support for this student.
Ross is a 15 year old boy in the tenth grade, identified as a student with ADHD in the fourth grade.  He is the only child in an upper middle class family.  Both parents are professional college graduates.  They are members of the PTSA but find little time to participate actively.  Ross is a highly visual learner and his school performance as measured by grades and test scores is uneven.  Ross enjoys sports and plays on the school baseball team.  He also enjoys playing his guitar.  Ross prefers to work in small groups in class but is sometimes disruptive.

     A. Enduring Understanding
Scientific understanding, whether new or established, is often the basis for developing new technology which can have far-reaching effects, both positive and negative, for society as a whole

     B. Essential Questions
Is it worthwhile to risk damage to both local and global communities and ecosystems in order to reap the economic benefits of plentiful and inexpensive fuel supplies?
In what ways can an individual quantify the effects he or she has on the global ecology?

     C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities
2 different but related subjects are to be introduced in this lesson – hydraulic fracturing and carbon footprint.  Subsequent lessons in the unit will develop the understanding of how hydraulic fracturing works and a more detailed analysis of the mechanics and socioeconomic ramifications of the technology.  This lesson introduces  specialized vocabulary in order to provide a foundation for subsequent lessons and

Investigation and Experimentation #1m.  Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching the literature, analyzing data, and communicating the findings.

Grade 9-12 Writing Strategies and Applications, Cluster 4:  Write persuasive compositions that structure ideas and arguments in a logical way with consistent use of standard grammatical forms

     A. Cognitive
After listening to a lecture, students will be able to define the terms “fracture” and “hydraulic” as well as the phrase “hydraulic fracturing”.
After listening to a lecture, students will be able to define the phrase “carbon footprint”, and describe the effects of increasing or decreasing the same on the global ecology.

     B. Affective
Students will assemble in dyads to discuss the ecological and political implications of fossil fuel consumption and hydraulic fracturing technology.
Students will share results of dyad discussions with others in the class.

    C. Language Development
Students will develop rational arguments and express arguments in support or in opposition to the use of hydraulic fracturing technology.

     A. Diagnostic/Entry Level
Informal diagnostic assessment of prior knowledge of vocabulary and sociopolitical and ecological topics related to the lesson by show of hands questioning during Anticipatory Set.  Feedback given verbally

     B. Formative-Progress Monitoring
Informal sharing of ideas from the pros and cons discussion
Formal assessment in the form of the initial project assignment to be handed in the following day.  Feedback given verbally.

1.)  Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Vocabulary and lecture notes available as a handout

2.)  Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Vocabulary broken into word parts
Vocabulary related to real world examples with whole body response by teacher.
Pair ELL students with sympathetic native English speakers for dyad discussions

3.)  Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or
Check understanding of vocabulary  individually by direct question during dyad sessions and/or while walking around in lecture.

1.)    Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Vocabulary and lecture notes available as a handout

2.)    Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Check to ensure students are in appropriate working groups for the group projects.  Make sure Alex is in a group which will engage him outside of class and Ross in a group whith a strong leader who will keep the group on task.

3.)    Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Check understanding of vocabulary individually by direct question during dyad sessions and/or while walking around in lecture.
Encourage all students to personalize their projects with their individual artistic tendencies, valuable for all but particularly aimed at Ross’ interest in music

(Describe what the teacher does. Include differentiation strategies.)
Co-teaching approach: Team
A.     Anticipatory Set/Into (10m)
-Ask how many have cars
-Ask about the price of gas – maybe parents & friends talk about it too. 
-Ask about how the cost of energy effects other things – cost of goods, job market, etc.
-Bring up global warming.  Ask what it is, what it means.
-Point out that we need energy to conduct our lives but climate change is a problem
-Pair-share on the topic – Is it more important to keep energy inexpensive and plentiful to maintain our lifestyle or to take steps to prevent climate change?  Tell them they will be called on to report their thoughts.  After time, have 3 students share.
B.     Instruction/Through (25m)
“We’ll be talking about those 2 subjects today”

-Carbon Footprint (5m)
-One part of the picture is global warming.  Ask what causes it – solicit lots of answers.  Bring it down to carbon.
-CARBON FOOTPRINT:  “You come into the house with muddy shoes and your Mom yells at you & tells you you’re leaving muddy footprints all over the kitchen floor – she’s got to clean up the mess you made.  Your carbon footprint is the mess of carbon you leave in the atmosphere to contribute to global warming.  Different people define it differently, but most people use the definition of the total amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of your actions in one year.”  Individuals can have a carbon footprint, families, cities, schools, whole countries.”
-“Your first homework assignment for tonight is to go online and find a website that calculates carbon footprint.  Figure out yours. I want you to report YOUR carbon footprint, and the url of the site where you got it.  You can bring it on paper tomorrow or e-mail me before 10:00 tonight.”

-“Another part of this assignment – research 2-5 energy conservation strategies we could apply to reduce the carbon footprint of the school, and poresent them in a one-page paper due on day 4”.

-Introduction to Fracking (25m)
-The other topic for the unit  is the availability of energy”
-Video (http://youtu.be/timfvNgr_Q4) The Fracking Song
-Ask for a summary of the video.  Allow some whole class discussion
-Define Hydraulic:  Of, involving, moved by, or operated by a fluid, especially water, under pressure.  Hydro means water.  For example, your gym teacher may tell you to hydrate.
-GFracture means break.  How many have broken a bone?  If you break your arm in three places the doctor will say you have a compound fracture.
-Hydraulic Fracturing - The forcing open of fissures in underground rocks by pushing in liquid at high pressure to extract oil or gas.
-Describe the process.
-Pair share - front half of the room list benefits, back half list risks.
-Give 3 minutes then solicit responses.
-Introduce the projects:  During this unit you'll have 2 projects to do:
1.  Art Project - 
2.  Research Project
Homework for tomorrow - produce an outline or other working document for each project.  If you can't get together tonight, do it independently and hand them in together.  You'll get them back at the end of class tomorrow.
Form students into preplanned groups.
-Ticket out the door will be a paper with the names of your group members and the medium you'll be using for your art project.
C.     Independent Practice/Through (15m)
Release students to form groups and  begin work on their assignments. 
Supervise group selection
Circulate & keep students on task  (15m)  

    D. Closure                                                   
 Collect “tickets” on way out.        

E.      Beyond
Evaluate project plans following day in class and provide feedback

(Describe what the students does. Include differentiation activities.)
A.     Anticipatory Set/Into
Participate in class discussion
Participate in dyad discussion
B.     Instruction/Through
Listen/take notes
Participate in class discussion
Participate in dyad discussion

C.     Independent Practice/Through
Assemble into small groups
Work in small groups to plan project – decide on type of project to be done

F.     Closure
Hand in in-class work
       E. Beyond
 Homework to begin assembling information for the unit project
(Attach any materials needed to implement the lesson, such as a power point presentation, graphic organizer, reading…)
Computer & projector with internet access to play video

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